вторник, 7 апреля 2015 г.

бхаджаны в исполнении Бхагавана

Сатья Саи Баба - воплощение любви

01 - Ханда Kandanthara
02 - Murali Гана Lola
03 - Janedu
04 - Сарва Velala
05 - Сатья Дхарма Према
06 - Anthuleka
07 - На пунйам
08 - Viswasanthini
09 - Гаятри Mantrа

Во время бесед с преданными Шри Сатья Саи Баба часто поет - импровизируя или читая небольшие стихи, заключающие в себе суть необходимого на данный момент урока. Его голос поднимает в сердце слушателя высокую вибрацию, охватывая ею всех присутствующих. Его Пение послужило вдохновением для создания этого компакт-диска. Глубина и богатое духовное содержание - побудило авторов диска соединить западные мелодии с голосом Сатья Саи Бабы и индийскими инструментами - Раги (мелодия), бхава (чувство) и Tala (удар / ритм) - с целью разделить этот золотой голос мира с и любви с целым миром.

Этот компакт-диск включает также бхаджан "Murali Гана Лола" (религиозная популярная песня) и молитва Гаятри, известная как самая важная молитва религии индуистская. Этот проект стал возможным благодаря помощи и сотрудничеству, которое обеспечил Музей Наследия Шри Сатья Саи Духовное, предоставивший из своего архива некоторые записи Сатья Саи Баба. С большой радостью мы записали этот компакт-диск, и мы надеемся что Его экстраординарный голос понравится как духовно ищущим так и любителям музыки.

Khanda Kandanthara

Khanda Kandanthara Khyathi Narchinchina
Mahaniyulanu Kanna Mathru Bhumi
Paschathya Virula Paradrolinchiyu
Swathanthramunu Kanna Samara Bhumi
Sangitha Sahithya Shasthriya Vidyalandu
Dhishakthi Chupina Divya Bhumi
Chitra Kalala Thoda Chitra Kalala Thoda

Chitramai Yunnatti
Bharatha Bhumi Nandu Jananamundi
Bharatha Matha Dharma Bhagyammu Kapada
Bhajvathanthayu Mide Bhakthulara
Bharatha Matha Dharma Bhagyammu Kapada
Bhijvathanthayu Mide Bhakthulara
Bhijvathanthayu Mide Bhakthulara

This motherland (India) has begotten sons who have earned reputation in continents far and wide.
This valorous land has produced warriors who earned freedom for the land by driving away the foreigners.
This divine land had shown exellence in the fields of music and literature.
O devotees! It is entirely your responsibility to uphold the righteousness of the land having been born in that land which is varied with its finesse of art and architecture.

Murali Gana Lola

Murali Gana Lola Nanda Gopa Bala
Ravo Ravo Radha Lola Radha Lola
Threta Yugamuna Sitha Ramudai
Dvapari Yugamuna Radha Loludayi
Githanu Drapina Taraka Namudaiy
Yuga Yuga Manduna Tagu Rupa Dhairyai

Son of Nanda the shepherd, enchanting flute player. come oh come Lord of Radha.
In the Age of Treta, You incarnated as Rama, Lord of Sita.
In the Age of Dwapara, You incarnated as Krishna, Lord of Radha.
You are the Saviour who taught us the Bhagavad Ghita.
From age to age You embody the perfect form.

Janedu Potta Nimpukona Chikkula Nonduchu
Koti Vidyalanu Punika Mira Nerchi
Paripurna Sukhammu Nonda Leka
Vi Manava Jathi Lokamuna Mraggaga Netiki
Sri Parathprunv Dhyanamu Cheyu Bhakthulaku
Darini Chuppaka Unne Manava Manava Manava

Why do You suffer in this world of humans unable to satisfy the belly (measuring up to one span) with the help of umpteen number of skills. Will not the supreme Lord show the way if you but besought his refuge O man?

Sarva Velala

Sarva Velala Sarvathra Barvi Yunna
Athma Kanipinchadelako Andru Janulu
Pala Yandunna Vennanu Korinantha
Sarvulu Anandamappa
Tha Atma is ever present at all times, but people ask: "why can't it be seen?"
By mere asking is anvone able to get the glimpses of butter present in milk ?

Sathya Dharma Prema

Sathya Dharma Prema Nithyamai Yundina
Pudami Thalli Yantho Pulakarincchu
Viswa Santhinicchu
Vividha Saukhyamu Hecchu
Vinudu Bharathiya Vira Suthuda
Mother earth would be glad if truth, righteousness and love were to be permanent.
The various avenues for the universal peace would abound.
O valient son of Bharat (India).


Adhunika Vidya Perigenu Anthuleka
Athma Vidya Kshinininche Avadhileka
Sathya Dharmammulanniyu Samasi Poye
Prema Shanti Ahimsalu Pedabadiye
Prema Shanti Ahimsalu Pedabadiye

Modern learning has grown beyond bounds and the learning of the soul has declined without a bottom.  Truth and righteousness have got effaced and Love, Peace and Non-violence have declined.

Na Punyam

Na Punyam Na Papam Na Saukhyam
Na Dukkham Na Manthro Na Tirtham
Na Veda Na yajnam
Aham Bhojanam Na Bhojanam
Naiva Bhojam Na Kartau
Sadananda Rupam Advaitam
Sathyam Sivam Sundaram

Neither sin nor merit; neither pleasures nor pain.
Neither sacred formulae nor sacred places.
Neither Vedas nor yajnas (rituals).
I am neither the eaten nor the eater nor the act of eating;
I am the ever blissful One, One without a second, Thuh, Goodness and Beauty.
I am THAT.


Bhauya Bhavalu Kudina Bharathiya
Divya Samskruthi Tathvammu Telisi Konaga
Bharatiyula Yathnimpa Nerarairi
Intha Kantenu Daurbhagyamemi Kaladu
Bharatiyule Yathnimpa Nerarairi
Bhavya Prakruthi Tathvammu Telusu Konaga
Intha Kante Daurbhagyamo Yemi Kaladu

O Bharateeya! You have noble intentions but have not come forward to grasp the divine principle of culture of this land. Can there be a greater misfortune than this?


Manasu Malinyamula Nella Mattubetti
Parama Parishuddha Bhavamul Padu Kolupa
Gnana Drishtiyu Nepadi Kana Baduno
Viswamanthayu Brahma Yai Venugunatula

Having completely destroyed all the dross of mind and having made an effort to implant pure and unsullied feelings, one can we the whole universe filled with the Supreme Being Brahman through the vision of knowledge.


Viswasanthini Chekurchu Vidhamu Nerchi
Sankuchita Bhavamulanella Samayajesi
Ai Kamathyamu Sahajivanadi Kanu
Peraga Nerputaye Kade Brahma Vidya

Having learnt the method of obtaining world peace destroving the narrow minded attitudes, cultivating unity and fraternity this verity is the knowledge of the Brahman the Supreme.

Gayatri Mantra

Bhuh Bhuvah Svah
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat

O Mother! Who subsists in all the three kaalas (Time: Past, Present and Future), in all the three lokas (Lokas: Heaven, Earth and the Lower Regions) and in all the three gunas (Gunas - Attributes: Sathwa, Rajas and Thamas). I pray to Thee to illumine my intellect and dispel my ignorance just as the splendiferous sunlight dispels all darkness.
I pray to Thee to make my Intellect serene and bright and enlightened

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