пятница, 8 января 2021 г.
Time is an embodiment of God - Время воплощение Бога
*Time is an embodiment of God. Hence one of God’s many names is Samvatsara. Because Time is the essential spirit of God, God is known as Kalatmaka. God is also called as the Lord of Aeons (Yugadi-krit) because He creates and dissolves aeons like Krita, Dwapara and Kali Yuga. Because He contains everything within Himself and protects them, God is also called Kalagarbha (The One who is the womb of Time). Embodiments of Love! Firm faith in God's name will ward off the portents indicated by the planetary conjunctions in the New Year. There may be indications of various kinds of conflicts, dangers and disasters during the year, but many joyous events are also likely. God always protects the wise and virtuous. I advise the devotees to carry on their duties in a spirit of dedication, with firm faith in God.